For Business Leaders already in the role – We want you to STEP up, and realize these are parts of your role that may be strange but the best executives deliver!
And for those seeking the top jobs, are you ready? Do you actually want to do what it takes?
Here are three favourite jobs that Executives often take on without realizing.
1. The Comedian
While this article is pandemic heavy, the research and points apply in our new world too:
Laughter Will Keep Your Team Connected – Even While You’re Apart
The idea for this discussion came from two sources.
First – Jamie has a current level up goal to “celebrate cheeriness, including trying to be funnier” so it is timely and personal to our co-founder!
Second – This podcast (& the article above) discuss, “It may surprise, but research shows that 80% of what people laugh at is really not that funny.”
And, that inspired us to ask, “what’s our job when it comes to laughter?” So, we will explore it!
2. The Salesperson
As a house full of CFOs who aren’t expected to sell for Amplify, but who get healthy commissions if they elect to and succeed, we know how sensitive selling can be.
Many finance, accounting and tech types (i.e. everyone we hire) hate it. In fact, a driving reason they work with us is because there’s no Key Performance Indicator on their sales participation, and that lack of pressure comforts them.
Ironically, when they look for a new job they won’t be as lucky because a CFO is also a salesperson! And, so is every other executive. So, at that level, if you join most professional service firms, go on your own, or become an in-house executive, you can be sure you’d better sell.
We will explore the ways executives are expected to sell through influence, as storytellers, and even to customers as brand advocates. Many aren’t prepared. (Or, any good at it?) That’s coming up!
3. The Inefficient
We get promoted and recognized for being efficient and effective and so many that make the top jobs are rock stars at getting volumes of work done with near perfection. It’s often astonishing.
And then they get into leadership and they either learn that their world is flipping upside down because:
Or, they don’t – And they fail or struggle. We will chat on this phenomenon, but in the meantime, an engineer’s take is an interesting read and perspective on it:
Read: With People, Slow is Fast
Lots to spring into. We look forward to strange jobs with you.
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